Joe Baker, Sr. Software Engineer Manager at Threat Stack, LinkedIn Recommendation (4/15/2020)
"TJ is able to understand a feature the team is working on from the development and customer POV, enabling a great deal of testing. I had a high degree of confidence in the features he worked on. TJ was always available to test tickets prior to release, even under the pressure of resolving an issue for a customer. TJ is an excellent team player that’s always willing to help others and makes sure others have what they need while maintaining his own workload.
"TJ has a great handle on what he wants to accomplish with his career. I worked with him on moving his testing from the frontend, to backend services. He was up to the task and enhanced our automated testing on our public API. Whenever TJ found a bug, his tickets were well written with clear reproduction steps. He also championed his tickets to make sure they were resolved".
Alan Salnikov, Lead Developer at Threat Stack, LinkedIn Recommendation (4/10/2020)
"TJ is a highly motivated and detail oriented person. He has a knack for asking good questions and coming up with very thorough test suits. Being an engineer on his team I felt like he would always make sure we kept shipping quality products. His communication skills are excellent. He would be great asset for any company!"
Adalberto Henriquez, Software Engineer in Test at Threat Stack, LinkedIn Recommendation (4/10/2020)
"When I joined Threat Stack, TJ was really instrumental in getting me onboard with all the aspects of the application and the automation framework. He develop the ruby based automation framework that's currently being use to test the UI. TJ also has a really positive attitude".
Amber Bennoui, Senior Technical Product Manager at Threat Stack, LinkedIn Recommendation (4/9/2020)
"TJ is a passionate QA software engineer with a keen eye for organization and identifying edge cases. TJ was a QA on one of the teams that I product managed, and I could always rely on him to deliver and execute on an amazing testing strategy for all of our features. If you have TJ in QA in your organization, rest assured that you will always be delivering high quality and reliable software products under his watch. Not only did we work together, but I learned a lot from hiim about writing test cases and sanity checking my own work".Agile Testing Days, List of Blogs Every Agile Software Tester Should Read (4/2/2020).
"The incredible T.J. Maher has a lot of expertise to share, and we are glad he has a blog!
"T.J. is a software quality assurance engineer that shares stories for Software QA Engineers shifting from manual to automated testing".
Himanshu Sheth, Top 21 Selenium Automation Blogs To Look Out In 2020, Lambda Test (12/26/2019)
"‘Adventures in automation’ by T.J. Maher has been online since 2015. T.J. Maher is a frequent contributor to TechBeacon and has been in the software testing field since 1996. The content of this blog is truly unique as it caters to different topics on testing e.g. BDD that is rarely covered on other blogs.
"The blog on using API testing to enhance Selenium automation is a guide for someone who wants to ace in Selenium automation testing. There is good content on automated browser testing, Selenium WebDriver, etc. that is demonstrated with examples".
Arnab Roy Chowdhury, DZone, "Top 17 Resources To Learn Test Automation in 2019"(3/29/2019)
"Getting bored with your career as a manual tester and willing to switch to the vast world of automation? TJ Maher is here to help you. The blog created by this organizer of Boston’s Ministry of Testing is aimed at teaching new testers about the next best thing which is soon going to dominate over manual testing by easing other tester’s efforts. All the posts in this blog are categorically arranged based on sections like Beginner, Code Examples, Appium etc. TJ Maher also has a channel on YouTube that will provide you information regarding what new features are happening in the world of automation. So you could master test automation of web applications, mobile applications, and more".
VeritechIT, Best IT Blogs 2018: Must-Read Resources for CIOs, IT & Security Pros (1/13/2019)
"TJ Maher has worked in the software testing field since 1996, and since 2015, he’s also been an automation developer and blogger. He started Adventures in Automation in 2015, initially as a way to store the 'copious amounts of notes' he found himself taking when he began interviewing for automated development positions. At Adventures in Automation, you’ll find posts on topics ranging from automated testing frameworks to security testing and software quality assurance".
BizTech: 30 Must-Read Small Business IT Blogs of 2018 (10/31/2018)
"Automation is on the tip of everyone’s tongue, but few people are as knowledgeable about it as T.J. Maher, who has worked in the software testing field since 1996. His blog runs the gamut on automation knowledge, from high-level info to the nitty-gritty".
From "Meet the Authors" section of Continuous Testing for DevOps Professionals. (9/15/2018)
"Thomas F. Maher, Jr – best known as “T.J. Maher” – is a tinkerer, exploring ways to craft automation solutions. Back in 2015, T.J. shook the dust off his BSCS and Master of Software Engineering, combined them with his twenty years of software testing experience and his passion for writing, and launched both a software testing blog and a career in automation development. Whenever T.J. experiments with a new automation tool or technology, he blogs about the experience. On 'Adventures in Automation', at, he provides downloadable sample code and code walkthroughs of frameworks he has created. By 2016, T.J. became a contributing writer at, giving talks to Boston-area software testing Meetup groups. By 2017, T.J. became the Meetup Organizer of the Ministry of Testing – Boston, the Massachusetts branch of the, a UK based community of software testers. In 2018, T.J. was a guest speaker at the and the T.J. can be reached on Twitter at @tjmaher1".
Angie Jones, SDET at Twitter, during her talk "How to Become an Automation Engineer" when she mentions automation gurus to follow on Twitter (12/11/2017)
"T.J... T.J. is very interesting, especially for people who are new and trying to transition into automation. He did manual testing for about twenty years, and then he transitioned into automation, and so he's been learning a lot on his own.
"What's great about T.J. is that he documents all of these things that he's learning. And he has a web site. And he goes step-by-step on 'Okay, I'm picking up this new tool or this new technique, and here are things you can learn about it' ... So... things that I haven't used before, I can go to T.J.'s site and learn from him".Alex McPeak, in the article "Expert Insight: Why Testing Matters" on the, quoted a story I relayed to them (12/11/2017):
"The team developing a new European Union shopping cart found out quickly that the VAT tax test server was flaky. But was that the cause of the one-cent discrepancy between the estimated and actual price that randomly appeared? Everyone on the team thought so. I wasn’t sure.
"Taking my Selenium script that placed an EU order, I looped it twenty times, collecting data all the while. It had a failure rate of 40 – 60%. After showing the metrics gathered to the new developer assigned to the EU cart, he checked his code. It turned out he had made a rounding error calculating the estimated and actual tax differently.
"Does something not feel right? Don’t just go with a hunch or a gut feeling. Make sure to do the legwork required."
Phil Goldstein, web editor for BizTech Magazine, "30 Must-Read Small Business IT Blogs 2017" (9/30/2017):
"The best IT blogs are sometimes written by people you may have never heard of but who know a great deal about a particular technology. Such is the case with the blog written by T.J. Maher, who has worked in the software testing field since 1996. Maher started Adventures in Automation in 2015 as a way to store the 'copious amounts' of notes he found himself taking when he began researching automation development. The blog covers a wide range of software testing topics, from automated testing frameworks to quality assurance. Although this blog is highly specialized, it should appeal to anyone who works in software testing".
Mark Winteringham (aka 2bittester) on his blog MW Test Consultancy used a blog article I wrote to add to the virtual conversation I started with "Code coverage and automated checks: Is 100% coverage enough?" (8/21/2017)
"Recently TJ Maher (@tjmaher1) posted some great questions in his article “Are unit tests and 100% code coverage enough?”. Questions that we should be asking ourselves in regards to Continuous Development and DevOps. There was one question that jumped out at me. And it’s a question I find myself challenging a lot when it comes to automated checking.
‘Do you think 100% code coverage of unit tests and integration tests is enough in environments using Continuous Deployment? What do you use as supplements in your testing efforts?’
"The discussion and pursuit of 100% code coverage with automated checks are nothing new. But, as continuous deployment’s goal is to enable teams to release regular, small releases and adopting a testing first culture. And Automated checks have taken on a more vital role. It’s important to scrutinise automated checks more and ask:
"What is the role of automated checks in helping us understand what sort of product we are actually releasing? What are the weaknesses of automated checks? [...]" Read More
Alan Richardson on referred to me and this blog, answering the question, Can the manual QA become a good automation QA with Java and Selenium? (July14, 2017)
Alan Richardson, How to Improve Your Software Testing (July 7, 2017)
"[...] I continually try to seek out practitioners that I can learn from. When I see an expert, I look to see if they have left a trail of evidence that I can study and learn from. I don’t just want their conclusions, I also want to see their working, as I can learn from that.
"Recently I’ve been following the work of the following practitioners on GitHub because they are leaving a trail of evidence that I can learn from: Bas Djikstra, Mark Winteringham, Angie Jones, TJ Maher [...]
"I like to find practitioners who are leaving a trail of ‘working’, not just explained results, but processes, code, ‘doing’ videos, case studies. I think this add longer term study value than an outcome report.
"And study their work because they may be working at an aspirational level - a level of competence that you have not yet achieved, but they demonstrate the possibility of achievement and you can learn from them to build the skill to do what they do, or take a different implementation path after learning from their experience (a path you then document for future practitioners)".
Alex McPeak, "What’s the Best Programming Language to Learn First? It Depends" from the CrossBrowserTesting Blog (April 18, 2017)
"[...] Especially for testers, as the QA industry begins to increasingly require skills in automation, programming knowledge becomes an invaluable asset. In 'Coding is key to a test automation career: Are you prepared?' T.J. Maher advances that learning to code is the number one way to break into test automation. Then, even after you think you understand it, you need to continue practicing all the time.
“ 'The most important thing is not to stop practicing to code once you’re hired as a test automation engineer,' said Maher. 'Learning is a never-ending journey.' ”
John Ferguson Smart, creator of the automation framework Serenity BDD (March 29, 2017)
— John Ferguson Smart (@wakaleo) March 29, 2017
Brett Tramposh, Quality Practice Leader, How to Add Test Automation to your Quality Assurance Toolbelt (January 26, 2017)
- Information gathered from my blog and other articles used in Powerpoint presentation.
- My TechBeacon articles are listed under Brett's "References" page.
- According to Brett, "This was a discussion at our Rose City SQE Meetup group on January 25th, 2017. Great conversations and ideas on how to foster a better culture in growing our engineers into the skill set they need to compete".
I must have been in a real foul mood that day when I gave this quote:
"Testers will learn to code or perish
"TJ Maher, an automation developer and TechBeacon contributor, spent the last two years updating his skills to move from manual tester to automation developer to software engineer in test. In those same two years, he’s seen many of his former QA testing colleagues lose their jobs due to the major changes going on in the testing industry right now.
"TJ Maher, an automation developer and TechBeacon contributor, spent the last two years updating his skills to move from manual tester to automation developer to software engineer in test. In those same two years, he’s seen many of his former QA testing colleagues lose their jobs due to the major changes going on in the testing industry right now.
"For many testing engineers, 2016's motto was 'learn to code or perish.' Testing is now focused at the web services level, with tremendous demand for RESTful APIs, and Selenium wrappers, he says".“Continuous integration and continuous delivery turned the big splash of Selenium WebDriver into a tsunami that washed away almost all of the software testing industry, drowning many of the manual testers and eroding their base of employability.” —TJ Maher
VeritechIT: Best Blogs 2017: Best IT Blogs 2017: Must-Read Resources for CIOs, IT & Security Pros (January 3, 2017)
"TJ Maher has worked in the software testing field since 1996, and since 2015, he’s also been an automation developer and blogger. He started Adventures in Automation in 2015, initially as a way to store the 'copious amounts of notes' he found himself taking when he began interviewing for automated development positions. At Adventures in Automation, you’ll find posts on topics ranging from automated testing frameworks to security testing and software quality assurance.
"Three posts we like from Adventures in Automation:
- "Learn a Programming Language by Contributing to an Open Source Project! One trick to remember if working on an old Maven project
- "Dear TJ: How can one become an expert in automation?
- "Playing with Protractor: The complexities of testing JavaScript frameworks, according to Vojtěch Jína", blog: How to improve your CV and improve your chances of finding your next software testing job, (12/07/2016)
- Alan Richardson links two articles of mine I wrote for TechBeacon, as examples for those who don't have the time to write example code to show employers what they know.
- The articles are and Java Testing Weekly 47 / 2016, (11/21/2016)
- Testing The-Internet with Geb + Groovy + Spock: How did Yeoman set up the tests to run in Gradle? is the third part of TJ Maher’s Geb + Groovy + Spock tutorial. This time he will describe the build.gradle file that was created by using a Yeoman generator called: generator-geb. This is a very educational post, and if you are interested in this topic, you should probably start from the beginning.
Tadhg88: Postman Intro (8/10/2016):
- The author, Tadhg88, writes to his readers about how to use Postman, referencing my blog. Java Testing Weekly 17 / 2016, (4/25/2016)
"Why Use a Builder Pattern? Examples of Telescoping Constructors: when storing Address data identifies the problems caused by the telescoping constructor (anti)pattern, and describes how you can solve them by using the builder pattern. I think that the builder pattern is extremely useful tool for creating test data, but you shouldn’t overuse it because it is not free".
Alan Richardson, (4/12/2016)
I read T.J.'s blog do you?... @tjmaher1 Thanks T.J. Credit to you for putting in the work... and you keep going :) @TechBeaconCom— Alan Richardson (@eviltester) April 12, 2016 "Kick Ass Blog Posts" (2/15/2016)
"Another great post by T.J. Maher, on his blog post related to the all famous testing pyramid and the different proportions that types of tests have in it, definitely a read you would like to take a look into:
Testing Beyond the UI: The Testing Pyramid Problems with UI Tests".
TestingCurator, Matt Hutchinson: (1/23/2016) Java Testing Weekly 3 (1/18/2016)Congratulations on 1 year of blogging! I enjoy reading your blog. Good luck on the next year ahead! @tjmaher1— Testing Curator (@testingcurator) January 24, 2016
"Automate Amazon: Writing a Shopping Cart Test is the latest part of T.J. Maher’s Automate Amazon tutorial. It explains how you can write a test which ensures that preserves the prize of a product that is added into a shopping cart. This means that the prize shown on the review shopping cart page must be the same as the prize shown on the product page. By the way, this post assumes that you have read the earlier parts of this tutorial".
Joe Colantonio, (1/17/2016)
— Joe Colantonio (@jcolantonio) January 17, 2016
TestingCurator, Matt Hutchinson: (1/16/2016)
I have been really enjoying the Automate Amazon series of posts from @tjmaher1
— Testing Curator (@testingcurator) January 16, 2016 "Kick ass blog posts" (1/11/2016)
"This guy deserves applause for the hard work he has done on writing a whole automation framework for ordering in Amazon, in order to show how it looks all together. The article is part of a series, I strongly recommend you reading all of them if you want to know how all the little pieces in automation are tied together, really good read". ( Re: Automate Amazon: Initializing Login and Cart ) Java Testing Weekly 2 (1/11/2016)
"Automate Amazon: ProductEnums and ProductObjects is the fifth part of T.J. Maher’s Automate Amazon tutorial, and it describes how you write Selenium tests which ensure that you can add products into your shopping cart. This post provides good advice on linking the persisted test data with your test cases. If you are not already using enums for this purpose, take a look at this blog post".
Alan Richardson: (1/7/2015)
@tjmaher1 is writing a good 8 part case study of automating a web GUI using #Java and #Selenium #WebDriver
— Alan Richardson (@eviltester) January 7, 2016 Java Testing Weekly 1 (1/04/2016)"Automate Amazon: Writing a Sign In Test describes how you can write a Selenium test for the sign in function of This is a very good post because it basically explains everything that is required to test the sign in function. Also, you should read the other parts of this tutorial as well".BizTalk: 50 Must-Read IT Blogs 2015 (12/10/2015)

"MUST-READ POST: This post, which raises the question of whether QA departments should include dedicated automation teams.
"Follow: @tjmaher1 | Read the blog:"
Neotys Blog: Testing Roundup (10-06-2015)
"Thomas F. Maher, Jr has been a Software Quality Assurance Engineer for over fifteen years, and is attempting to make the leap from manual to automated testing. Recently, he posted an article to his Adventures in Automation blog in which he discusses the evolving role of QA Engineers—an evolution that directly relates to the increasing speed of software projects.
Test automation dominates the industry, and as a result, many may question the necessity of QA Engineers: “If you can replace some of the tasks a QA Engineer does, why not replace all of them?”
Maher Jr notes that his organization maintains a healthy mix of both manual and automated QA, an ideal structure in his opinion. Read his article for a closer look at the shifting role of QA Engineers and then decide for yourself: are QA Engineers really going extinct?"
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Hello TJ Maher and fellow readers,
Firstly, I would like to thank you, TJ, for sharing this insightful and thought-provoking blog post on "Reviews of This Blog." The article provided a captivating perspective on how feedback and accountability can help bloggers provide quality content.
In the blog post, you discuss the importance of reviews and how they contribute to the continuous improvement of the content you provide. This concept parallels the significance of performance testing when it comes to ensuring the quality and efficiency of any software application. Effective performance testing can help resolve problems and prevent issues before they occur.
As a professional in the software development field, I have personally faced several challenges with performance testing. Just like your blog post emphasizes the importance of reviews for blog content improvement, performance testing has proven to be an indispensable tool for improving both the user experience and the software's overall performance.
I would like to suggest that perhaps in future posts, you could delve further into the topic of performance testing, specifically addressing best practices and their potential benefits for developers and software users. Sharing strategies to improve performance testing efforts, such as setting realistic goals, employing multiple testing tools, or utilizing a combination of manual and automated testing, would be valuable to your audience.
Overall, your blog post was a pleasure to read and provided excellent insight into the significance of feedback and continuous improvement. I am looking forward to future posts that explore performance testing in greater depth. Thank you again for this outstanding contribution.
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