April 7, 2017

Things are heating up at the Ministry of Testing - Boston!

Things are heating up at the Ministry of Testing - Boston! Are you a Software Tester, QA Engineer, Manual Tester, Automation Developer, Software Engineer in Test, SDET, SET, QA Manager, or a Directory of Quality? Come check us out! Our calendar is jam packed!

April 2017

NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2017 Info Session! 
Brooklyn Boulders Somerville
Saturday, April 8, 2017
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
  • Anne Fraysse says, "Are you fascinated by the hidden mysteries of the universe? Intrigued by NASA? Love to build and design? Want to be a part of the largest hackathon in the world? Come join me this Saturday at Brooklyn Boulders Somerville, where the International Space Apps Challenge, lead by NASA, is hosting a info session dedicated to their upcoming hackathon - the NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) 2017 - where teams across the world compete over a 48-hour period to design new and relevant technology!" 
  • Sign up here!

James Venetsanakos talks about Performance Testing @ iZotope, Cambridge
iZotope, 60 Hampshire St, Cambridge, MA
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
  • James Venetsanakos ( LinkedIn ), a seasoned performance engineer will be giving a talk about Performance Testing. Come bring any questions you may have!
  • Sign up here!

Software Testing Lean Coffee @ Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA
John Harvard's Brew House
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
6:30 PM
  • A dinner-and-discussion group run like an end-of-sprint Agile retrosprective to break the ice. What QA related topic do you want to discuss tonight?
  • Sign up here!

May 2017

Automated Testing for the Non (and FUTURE!) Coder @ iZotope, Cambridge
iZotope, 60 Hampshire St, Cambridge, MA
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
  • Brian Jordan of Code.org will be giving a talk, "Automated Testing for the Non(and FUTURE!) Coder." 
  • Sign up here!

Automation, Selenium WebDriver, and PageObjects w/ Andrew Boyer @ iZotope
iZotope, 60 Hampshire St, Cambridge, MA
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

  • Have you ever wanted to learn about Automated Testing but wasn't sure where to start? Come and bring any questions you may have! Andrew Boyer, a Software Developer in Test who has worked at both Google and Amazon, will be talking about Functional Web Automation using Selenium WebDriver. 
  • Sign up here!

Happy Testing!

-T.J. Maher
Twitter | LinkedIn | GitHub

// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"