April 11, 2017

SeConf2017: Security Testing, Dockerizing Tests using Appium, Notes

Security Test Driven Development (STDD) Using Selenium / Appium
Surendran Ethiraj


Although many people think security testing is important, there aren’t many people implementing it sprint-by-sprint. To really help, security tests need to be easy to run, and they should be automated. Security should be in the DEV cycle, not waiting until the product is done.

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/ATASlides/atagtr2017-security-test-driven-development-stdd

Surendran is using OWASP ZAP (the Zed Attack Proxy Project ) , FindBugs, and TestNG to set up security tests in the video.

FindBugs, a project out of University of Maryland, uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java code.

ZAP is used as a proxy, but you can use BurpSuite, WireShark, etc.

Surendran demoed a Jenkins project, he created called Project STDD. Code is deployed locally using Tomcat. Tests are run from Maven.

Note: ZAP can give you false positives. They thought of: What is more important? Detecting cross-site scripting? Or X-Frames? They filter what bugs they want to find.

Using XPansion after running the job can be shown so you can submit bugs directly to developers.

  • You can also see the complete ZAP report.
  • You cannot find Cross Site Scripting until you add Dynamic Testing.
  • Some of theses tools can be used on not just the web and Selenium, but with mobile and Appium.

ZAP is a good starting point. It is updated every three years, testing for the OWASP Top Ten. He recommends moving on from there to Wireshark.

For Forensic Analysis, use Splunk as a a tool, to see if there are any passwords getting leaked.

Test Inside Containers: Dockerize Appium Tests
Srinivasan Sekar – Senior Consultant, ThoughtWorks

Virtual Machine vs Docker:

VMs use a Hypervisor to simulate hardware, with each application needing its own guest operating system. Docker is more lightweight, with only a Docker Engineer and the operating system between the apps and the infrastructure. You can spin up three or four thousand containers up in seconds. A virtual machine can take five or six minutes to spin up.

We’ve tinkered with Docker before in this blog, but haven’t really gone beyond that. Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. As we’ve seen, Docker is a client / server architecture, where the client can do:

  • docker build
  • docker pull
  • docker run

This interacts with the REST API on DOCKER_HOST to create a docker image. With this docker image, we can spin up thousands of images.

The challenge when mobile testing is that there are so many devices you need to test on, it takes a long time to execute a test, it takes time to get good test coverage, and a few of the tests may themselves be unreliable.

The tests may work fine on Samsung Galaxy 6, but do the tests run on the earlier Marshmallow operating system?

Appium is an open source, cross-platform test automation tool for native, hybrid and mobile web are mobile apps. Installing earlier versions of Appium was a pain. It also has many dependencies: Node.js, Java, Apple Developer tools, Xcode, Android, setup, etc. You needed to install all the emulators. So much configuration!

What if you could download one Docker image which had everything already set up, and could be ready to start developing products within seconds? A Docker Container has an application plus all dependencies, libraries, other binaries, and configuration files needed to run it all in one package. The container is a portable runtime environment. Imagine if you could even put emulators in the containers? If you want to see what is running, have a RealVNC server up and running to see what is happening in the container.

All the instructions are set up in a DockerFile. You can do this for both Android and IOS, though to do iOS you need a Mac for development. It sizes 1.8 GB for a docker image to be up and running.

Some of the sample code, from what I could see...
 Public class DockerizeAppium extends BaseAndroidTest {  
 public void horizontalSwipingTest() trows Exception {  
   MobileElement slider = [MobileElement];  
   driver.findElementByAccessibilityID( “slider”);  
   Dimension size = slider.getSize();  
   TouchAction swipe = new TouchAction(driver).press(slider, 0, size.height / 2).waitAction(2000)  
   .moveTo(slider, size.width / 2, size.height / 2).release();  
 private void login() {  
   New WebDriverWait(driver…  

Appium can be running in the Docker machine. You give IP address of the Docker machine where the tests are and point them to the environment.

Let’s say we want to run Docker and mount a device so that the test can be run on a real Android device.
docker run -d -P —privileged -v /dev/bus/usb1/dev/hub/usb —name appium appium

In his example, to find what port it is running:

Docker ps -a

==> Port>4723,>5900/tcp

docker-machine ip


We need to copy the React Native app:
docker cp /Users/ssekar/IdeaProjects/DockerAppium/VodQA.apk Appium:/opt
docker logs Appium

You can pull up the logs to see what is happening in the Docker container, such as if Appium is running. You can also switch inside the container.

docker exec -t appium /bin./sh

Any real devices connected?

#adb devices // No, none.

Let’s say we want to switch from Android to IOS:
Remove the Appium docker container: docker rm -f appium

Docker has also Docker Compose where you can group up things such as:

   image: appium  
   privileged: true  
   container_name: appium  
     - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb  
     - ./VodQA.apk:/opt/VodQA.apk  
      - 4723:4723  
   image: javamvn  
   container_name: javamvn  
     - ./:/home  
   command: mvn clean test  
   - appium-android: localhost  

This means the tests are also containerized. Another container has java maven.

Now, we just need:
docker-compose up

It runs two containers:

  • Creating Appium
  • Creating javamvn
  • Attaching to Appium, javamvn
  • It downloads all dependencies


Happy Testing!

-T.J. Maher
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// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"

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