January 9, 2017

Know any Coding IDEs for a Chromebook?

Two weeks ago, the hard drive on my home computer started clicking. That is when the blue screens happened. DTC_WATCHDOG_ERRORS and stopcodes thrown in Windows 10. First once a day, then once an hour, and this weekend, every time my Desktop loads up.

While I am trying to figure out what PC to buy next (Dell XPS? Dell Inspiron? All-in-one? Regular desktop? I surf the web, use IntelliJ, and not much else on it), I was going to pick up a cheap Chromebook to handle my daily requirement of blogging and web surfing at home, or blogging about various Meetups I attend.

Let's say I want to tinker with Java or JavaScript. Is there an IDE you like to use? I was tinkering with blogging about REST Assured next, but I didn't think doing any Java development, no matter how small the project, would work on a Chromebook, but I wanted to check.

Happy Testing!

-T.J. Maher
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// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"


asad said...

Chromebooks have become a vital part of our lives because of their determinations and smooth designs that make them BEST CHROMEBOOK FOR DIGITAL ART stand out from the crowd. A considerable lot of these accompany high-goal screens.

Spa Ceylon said...

Thanks for sharing this insightful post about coding IDEs for Chromebook! It's great to see that there are so many options available for developers who prefer using a Chromebook.