December 30, 2016

Made it to the Best of TechBeacon 2016 for "Switching Careers in QA: From manual testing to automation development"

From Best of TechBeacon 2016: Performance Revs Up (12/30/2016):

"Trends like exploding mobile app use and test automation tools are transforming the role of performance testers and QA staff everywhere. The field continues to offer plenty of opportunities for career growth—for those who know how to adapt and respond to the changes that are happening around the discipline [...]

"Switching careers in QA: From manual testing to automation development
"Some people believe that manual test engineers are an endangered species. If you are a manual tester, and you're looking to break into the testing automation space to stay relevant, here are a few things you need to keep in mind, starting with the fact you’ll be doing a lot of actual coding. T.J. Maher, an automation developer with Adventures in Automation, outlines from first-hand experience just what you can expect when making the switch".
... It's been an amazing year for me professionally, with a lot of ups-and-down in my career.

  • Finally getting settled in as a newly-minted automation developer, publishing an article about the experience, the first article I have ever published. 
  • That job getting up-ended in a management shift, publishing an article about that painful job search, and what I learned from it. 
  • Turning that job-searching article into a thirty-minute talk, the first one I have ever given. I presented it to the Greater Boston QA and Testing Meetup. 
  • When the Greater Boston QA and Testing Meetup rebranded itself as Ministry of Testing - Boston, the founder of the group invited me to be a co-organizer. 

Here is what to expect with Adventures in Automation in 2017:

  • Part 4 and 5 of Testing The-Internet with Geb + Groovy + Spock.
  • An Introduction to Nightwatch.js, a Node.js and JavaScript framework. 
  • Notes and highlights from Ministry of Testing - Boston Meetup events I am organizing.
  • Behind-the-scenes glances as I try to use the skills I picked up doing event planning for the Nerd Fun - Boston Meetup and use them as a new co-organizer for Ministry of Testing - Boston.

Happy Testing, and have a Happy New Year!

-T.J. Maher
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1 comment:

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