October 6, 2016

Beginnings of a new slide deck: "How to pass a coding test as an automation developer"

I haven't had this much fun drafting this new slide deck since my student job as a Graphic Artist / Desktop Publisher back at Bridgewater State's Davis Alumni Center!

Back then I loved helping organize events, plan promotional campaigns, draft flyers, create T-Shirts and logos, plaster flyers I designed all around campus, and volunteer to set up chairs and join the student ushers.

I never spoke at these events. I may have been a Computer Science Major / Theater Minor, but when I was on-stage, I was safely in the middle of the chorus as a performer, or backstage where my crippling stage-fright wouldn't kick in. I may have been able to goof around on stage in cute community theater productions in elementary school and junior high, but when I was in high-school competing for parts with budding professionals, I knew where my true talents lie.

Oddly enough, I am pretty comfortable giving end-of-sprint product demos, no matter how many people are in the room. Let me have my cue-cards so I can keep the talk tight and on-track, and I am fine. Oh, I might need to spend a few years working through Toastmasters before I am anywhere near TED Talk standards.

My slide deck should be finished in the next day or two. I have a rough script for the 30 minute talk that I will go over twenty or thirty times in the next week. I know the material, first living it and then organizing the information to create the article on which the talk is based. I think I will do fine...

What do you think of the draft of the cover page and the title page? Leave your comments below!

Draft: Cover Page

Draft: About the Speaker page

... This Speaker Page was for people who are reading along at home, after the fact on Slideshare at http://www.slideshare.net/tjmaher1.

I was going to upload the slides to my Slideshare account before the lecture.

  • Mention to the audience when I reach this page that these slides are stored on Slideshare.net/tjmaher1. They can enjoy the lecture and don't need to take notes if they don't wish to. 

Hrm... I think "About the Speaker" and "About the Talk" should go on two separate pages. Thank you Gustavo Adolfo Rivera Yeomans!

Thank you very much!

Happy Testing!

-T.J. Maher
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// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"

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