After a bit of quibbling -- we are doing BDD? Why not Cucumber? Why Ruby? -- I hunkered down and try to learn what they were already using at my new job: Gauge, a BDD automation framework brought to you by Thoughtworks - India.
- Website:
- Official GitHub:
- Gauge Community:
- Twitter: @GetGauge
- Google Group:!forum/getgauge
- Feedback Page:
- Reference Documentation:
Gauge first debuted as open-source in January 2015.
By August 2015, the product was demoed at a ThoughtWorks sponsored software testing conference in Hyderabad, a city in the state of Telangana, in south-central India. Devoted to knowledge sharing, the motto of vodQA -- Value Oriented Discussion about Quality Analysts -- is "Come Learn Something New"!
Right now, Gauge is up to version 0.9.6, released December 18, 2017, according to the release notes.
How is Gauge Different Than Other BDD Frameworks?
Deepthi Chandramouli back in 2/12/2015 wrote outlined five main points on the Gauge Google Groups:
"1. Gauge is a single product that supports multiple language across different platforms. This ensures a uniformity and consistency irrespective of which language and IDE you use to write your tests.
"2. Gauge uses Markdown as the markup to author specifications. This makes it feature rich from an execution and documentation point of view.
"3. Gauge’s architecture is plugin based which makes it highly extensible. This means that the core product can be enhanced by adding in support for a new language, a new IDE, a customised report, external tool integration etc. all as plugins. What this means is that any features added to Gauge core automatically scale to all the supported languages.
"4. Gauge has first class refactoring support both on command line and IDE. We feel that this is the extremely important to maintain a large test suite.
"5. Gauge has first class parallelisation support as a core feature(in development), which applies to all supported languages".
Oh, I immediately noticed that they have a Gauge Test Automation Cookbook using Chef.
Installing Gauge and Setting Up a Project
Since I am using Windows 10 at home, I followed that version of the Getting Started instruction, downloading the 64 bit version. I already have the Windows version of Ruby installed on my machine using RubyInstaller:- Downloaded the Gauge 0.9.7 version.
- Started the Install Wizard.
- Chose the Ruby language plugins with HTML reporting.
- Finished the installation.
- Opened up a Windows Command Prompt typed in "gauge version" and pressed Return. Yep, it is installed.
Now, to create a project!
Since I like installing my coding project in D:\Users\tmaher\code, I navigated to that directory and typed: gauge init ruby
- It copied the Gauge template "ruby" to the current directory.
- It fetched all metadata from
- It installed, ast, bundler, method_source, os, parser, test-unit, parser, power_assert, ruby_protocol_buffers, and many other Ruby gems.
I then ran the command: bundle exec gauge run specs
![]() |
A project was run right out of the box! |
The sample code that Gauge produced I uploaded to a Git repository: tjmaher / gauge_0.9.7_default_code for your viewing pleasure!
... Let's see what we have here by default, right out of the box....
Env/ Default: Where you set the environment variables with a sample_key = sample_value format.
- Set the gauge reports directory, if you want to overwrite reports, or if you want a new time-stamped directory each time the report is run, a screenshot on failure, multithreading enabled, and whether you want objects cleared by suite, spec, or scenario.
Reports: Stores the css, fonts, images, js, and specs for reports.
- example.spec: "an executable specification file. This file follows markdown syntax.Every heading in this file denotes a scenario. Every bulleted point denotes a step". In the screenshot above, "Specification Heading" is the heading, with the two steps written in it. You can tag the test, simply by using the keyword "tags". There can also be a data-driven element, with various "words" and the expected "vowel count" fed into the test.
- step_implementations.rb: It's a regular Ruby file, requiring and including libraries. This one relies on test/unit and Test::Unit::Accessories. It parses the plain English in the spec with the actual code, step by step. In this, it counts the vowels in the word, and does an assert_equal that the expected count in an integer format equals the actual calculated count.
The Spec lists out the test in plain English, in the language of the business.
The Step Implementations pair the tests with the code.
Coming up next week, we'll be exploring Dave Haeffner's Selenium Guidebook with Ruby, to see if we can write browser tests for The-Internet Login Page.
Coming up next week, we'll be exploring Dave Haeffner's Selenium Guidebook with Ruby, to see if we can write browser tests for The-Internet Login Page.
Happy Testing!
-T.J. Maher
Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test
Meetup Organizer, Ministry of Testing - Boston
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