July 12, 2017

Q & A with Angie Jones @ Ministry of Testing - Boston, Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Have you ever been to a film festival where after a film screening the director comes out for a Q & A session? Imagine if we did that with someone from the automated testing lecture circuit? 

Last night, members of the Ministry of Testing - Boston gathered together at Cengage Learning to watch a lecture of automated testing, followed by a live Q & A session by the lecturer.  The lecture for the evening? "The Build that Cried Broken". 

The Speaker:

Angie Jones"Angie Jones is a Senior Software Engineer in Test at Twitter who has developed automation strategies and frameworks for countless software products. As a Master Inventor, she is known for her innovative and out-of-the-box thinking style which has resulted in more than 20 patented inventions in the US and China. Angie shares her wealth of knowledge by speaking and teaching at software conferences all over the world".

Speaker Contact Details:

Angie Jones – Senior Software Engineer in Test, Twitter
Twitter: @techgirl1908
LinkedIn: Angie Jones
Website: AngieJones.tech

Care to read about Angie Jones' recent job search? Read her latest TechBeacon article,
Recruiting diverse engineering candidates: What tech companies still get wrong

Yesterday, we all gathered at the offices of Cengage Learning, a ten minute walk from South Station, down on 10 Channel Center. Look for the brick building with Cengage's logo on the side.

This way to the Ministry of Testing - Boston Meetup!

Waiting in the lobby to let non-Cengage employees in. 
Cengage Learning was not just our host, but they were our sponsor for the evening, too, graciously providing pizza. 

Before the Meetup, we gave away swag given to us by our sponsors, SauceLabs and SmartBear!
Eran Kinsbruner takes the SmartBear hoodie! 
What I found amusing? Eran Kinsbruner, who spoke to us last month on his book tour for his Digital Quality Handbook and interviewed Angie in his book was one of the attendees! 

A hot item? Black Sauce Labs T-Shirts with their logo, testAllTheThings() emblazoned on it!
The shirts went fast!

Thank you Sauce Labs!
Thank you Sauce Labs for sponsoring the Ministry of Testing - Boston!
Watching Angie give her talk at SauceCon17.
Did you want to watch her talk? Click on the link, below! 

The Build The Cried Broken:

It's Angie Jones, in person, web conferencing in all the way from Twitter's San Francisco Headquarters!

-T.J. Maher
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// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"

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